The Jump Manual

Monday, March 2, 2009

Increase You Vertical Leap!

The Jump Manual is simply the most intense, most comprehensive, and most effective jump training regimen available.

    how to jump higher

    Learn why Strength + Quickness = Explosion and the most effective and proven methods to increase both.

    how to jump higher

    Learn to use the "stretch shortening cycle (SSC)", plyometrics, and "complex training" to boost your performance.

    how to jump higher

    Learn the 9 facets of an incredible vertical and how to increase improve in each one to create an explosive synergy.

    how to jump higher

    Learn why the recovery phase of training is so important, why most athletes neglect it, and how you can capitalize.

    how to jump higher

    Learn how flexibility, balance, and form greatly affect your explosion potential and how to capitalize.

    how to jump higher

    Gain access to the Jumpers Forum where you can collaborate with other like minded athletes who have already achieved what you want.

    how to jump higher

    Get UNLIMITED one-on-one training to guarantee that ALL your questions are answered. 

    how to jump higher

    Learn why most athletes are training harder and still getting less results.

    how to jump higher

See videos demonstrating exactly how to perform each exercise. 

Click Here! to learn more about this revolutionary new training system!

I’m 6 foot on a good day. Been trying to get my vertical to 50″ and I’m gonna do it. With The Jump Manual training I have been able to get my vertical to the upper 40s. Now I can 360 two handed dunk, alley oop, and dunk in between my legs. I have gained well over 17 inches using the trainings, not to mention my first step is untouchable bro. Thanks for giving out the real deal.

Brandon, Hawaii

I tried everything man! Air Alert, Strength shoes, plyos you name it I tried it. Your program made sense and I gave it a shot. I gained 13 inches in in 12 weeks and now I can 360 dunk with 2 hands. Every time I play people always notice. I recommended to our coach that the whole team does the work-out cause i’m also a whole lot quicker. Seriously… Thanks!

- Wayne - Kansas City, Missouri